January 2018

Sri Lanka’s budget transparency improves in 2017
By Chandeepa Wettasinghe Sri Lanka improved its budget transparency last year compared to two years ago under the Open Budget Survey, although it ranked the second lowest among its South Asian peers, according to Verite Research (Pvt) Ltd. “Sri Lanka...
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Sri Lanka’s budget transparency improves in 2017
  By Chandeepa Wettasinghe Sri Lanka improved its budget transparency last year compared to two years ago under the Open Budget Survey, although it ranked the second lowest among its South Asian peers, according to Verite Research (Pvt) Ltd. “Sri...
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Sri Lanka Budget Openness, amongst lowest ranked countries in South Asia
Jan 31, 2018 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s budget openness in the latest survey has scored 44 out of 100, coming in next to last in South Asia, tied with Pakistan. Open Budget Survey, which scores 115 countries on the openness...
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Sri Lankan govt urged to present simpler ‘citizen’s budget’
ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka has improved in a global ranking of budget openness, albeit still among the lowest ranked in South Asia, with the government being advised to present a more understandable, non-technical budget document also known as a citizen’s...
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Low ranking for SL in global assessment of transparent budgets
Sri Lanka has been ranked 60 among 115 counties in the world on the recent assessment of the 2013/2014 and 2016/2017 budget processes. The ranking was released on the Open Budget Survey (OBS), the world’s only independent assessment of information...
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Budget openness: Sri Lanka needs higher standards
Budget Openness: Sri Lanka Needs Higher Standards Taken from Ada Derana
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SL’s budget related reporting seen as falling short of world standards
The Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act, which governs budget related reporting in Sri Lanka, is falling short of international standards when considering its quality and scope of reporting, Executive Director, Verite Research Dr. Nishan de Mel said. "Although Sri Lanka does...
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News 1st covers launch of budgetpromises.org
News 1st: Lunch Time Sinhala News | (31-01-2018) Taken from Newsfirst
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Budget openness: Sri Lanka needs higher standards
Budget Openness: Sri Lanka Needs Higher Standards Taken from Ada Derana
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Local government polls: a guide to the new electoral system
Handing out leaflets, knocking on doors, holding meetings and driving around in vans fitted with loudspeakers, announcing to the world why they alone need your vote. These have become a common sight as the local government elections get closer. With...
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