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Protecting the EPF from Bond and Stock Market Scams

“Protecting the EPF from Bond and Stock Market Scams: Analysis from forensic audit and recommendations” discussed past research by #VeritéResearch on the losses incurred by the EPF in Sri Lanka in the stock and bond markets. The event also highlighted the major gaps in information disclosure that currently exist in relation to #EPF transactions that prevent its fund holders from understanding how the fund is utilised.

The initial analysis was presented by Anushan Kapilan, Analyst at Verité Research. Former member of the Monetary Board of Sri Lanka Nihal Fonseka, responded to the presentation with further expert insights. Nishan de Mel, Executive Director at Verité Research, then provided specific solutions to mitigate the risks of the EPF to close out the discussion.

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Last modified: November 13, 2023
