Sub-optimal Tobacco Tax Policy Loses Rs. 20 B Revenue – Verite Research
Published on Ceylon Today Sri Lanka currently loses an estimated Rs. 20 billion in revenue due to the sub-optimal nature of the country’s tobacco tax policy, says Verite Research. During a webinar it has organized, the research institute and think-tank...
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Seeking a Systematic Tax on Cancer Sticks
Published on The Morning Hiking the price of cigarettes to increase govt. revenue and reduce tobacco consumption Reliefs and price decreases are generally expected from a budget in the Sri Lankan context; people almost never ask for taxes or price...
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Farmers Have ‘Grown Accustomed’ to Fertiliser, Rajapaksa Tells Glasgow
Published on Tamil Guardian Sri Lanka’s president said farmers on the island had “grown accustomed to overusing fertilizer as an easy means of increasing yields,” as he doubled down on a policy that has sparked protests amongst Tamil and Sinhala...
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Verité Research presents Rational Formula for Cigarette Taxes at latest forum
A Rational Formula for Cigarette Taxes: An Alternative to Ad Hoc Taxation was the title of a recent online seminar by Verité Research, on 28th October 2021. The analysis showed that the government is currently forfeiting 20 to 25 billion...
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mood of the nation
How Sri Lanka’s Flip to Organic Farming has now caused row with China over Fertiliser Crisis
Published on ThePrint A fresh crisis seems to be brewing between Sri Lanka and China after the Chinese Embassy in the island nation Saturday declared that the state-owned People’s Bank of Sri Lanka has been blacklisted over its failure to make a payment...
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Poor Budget Credibility Cited as Major Issue for Public Finances
Published on Daily Mirror Govt. urged to institute better oversight by Parliamentary Committees and Parliamentary Budget Office “There was little to no information available to determine the progress of over half the (budget) proposals”- Verite  For over 67% of Cabinet...
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Revenue Enhancement Measures Critical in Budget 2022: Verité
Published on The Morning Advises to expand tax base instead of increasing tax rate  According to former Economic Advisor to the Minister of Finance and Verité Research Director – Research Deshal de Mel, while revenue enhancement measures will be a...
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Verité Research Reveals Implementation Lags in 2020 Budget
Published on DailyFT BudgetPromises, a platform to track delivery of Government budget proposals, revealed yesterday there was poorer visibility on many Cabinet decisions surrounding projects, with the proportion of proposals with restricted information more than doubling over the past two...
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Revenue Enhancement Measures Crucial for 2022 Budget
Published on DailyFT Verité Director Research Deshal de Mel yesterday said revenue enhancement measures remained critical for the upcoming 2022 Budget. He said that as the Sri Lankan economy was still recovering from the impacts of the pandemic as were...
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Lack of Budget Credibility a Significant Challenge to the 2022 Budget
The BudgetPromises dashboard on the platform sheds light on two questions about Sri Lanka’s budget: “is the Government doing what it is saying?” and “is the Government saying what it is doing?” BudgetPromises was launched in 2017 and tracks...
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