Explained: The Adani Group’s recent Port Deal in Sri Lanka
Published on The Hindu As per the 35 year-long BOT agreement, the Adani Group will have majority, 51%, stakes, while John Keells would hold 34%, and the SLPA, 15%. The story so far On September 30, 2021, the Gujarat-headquartered Adani Group...
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mood of the nation
A Byproduct of Intervention
Published in Dairy News Australia Throughout this pandemic, governments across the world have launched an unprecedented number of stimulus efforts, aimed at keeping local economies afloat. At large, these packages have helped to sustain consumer spending and keep commodity markets...
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Sri Lanka’s Right to Information – Subhashini Abeysinghe on LMDtv
Improved access to information can lead to more informed, data-driven decision-making and better outcomes for the country. Watch Research Director Subhashini Abeysinghe discuss the importance of the RTI Act with LMDtv.
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How Sri Lanka’s Overnight Flip to Total Organic Farming has led to an Economic Disaster
Published on The Print President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was forced to impose an economic emergency on 31 August to contain soaring food inflation, and currency devaluation and forex reserves crisis. Sri Lanka has been hit by a serious economic emergency even...
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mood of the nation
Farmers for a Phased Out Transition From Chemical to Organic Fertilizer; Supplemented With Advice
Published on The Island The farming community of Sri Lankan doesn’t want a haphazard rush towards full-scale organic fertilizer use. Instead, they prefer a properly phased out process supplemented with adequate advice, a new survey has revealed, Executive Director of...
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mood of the nation
Threat on Food Security ‘Significant’ and could be ‘Imminent’: Survey
Published on The Island Over 90% of commercial farmers involved in a survey conducted among 1,042 farmers, in all the nine provinces, of the country say they currently use chemical fertiliser, and almost all of them expect reduction in their...
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Most Farmers Support Move Towards Organic Farming – Survey
Published on Sunday Observer Almost two-thirds of the farmers are supportive of the Government’s vision to move Sri Lanka into organic agriculture, according to a survey on the ban on the import of chemical fertiliser conducted by Verité Research recently....
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Delving into the Controversial DCC Rate Hike by Banks
Published on The Morning  Sri Lanka’s leading commercial banks decided to limit the foreign exchange transactions through credit cards and hike the Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) this past week, which caused panic for IT businesses, as their cost structures changed...
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mood of the nation
Farmers Foresee Drop in Harvest Due to Govt.’s Rush to Embrace Organic Fertilizer
Published on Daily Mirror  94% of paddy farmers dependent on chemical fertilizers Majority of farmers supportive of govt.’s policy of switching to organic farming practices But urge for realistic timeframe to implement the turn  Cite lack of knowledge on organic...
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Sri Lanka Farmers Expect Crop Drop From Fertilizer Ban, Want Time for Organic Move: Study
Published on EconomyNext Sri Lanka’s farmers are expecting crop losses after a chemical fertilizer ban and want more time to learn about organic alternatives and their use, but most thought it was a good idea to drop chemicals, a study...
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