Flawed rationale behind EPF re-entering the stock market

Flawed rationale behind EPF re-entering the stock market
At the end of 2018, the EPF resolved to re-enter the stock market despite substantial losses and allegations of mismanagement on EPF’s equity investments in the past. The EPF provides two reasons for the decision: (i) that members will benefit...
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CSO Sustainability Index 2018 : Asia Report
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia...
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CSO Sustainability Index 2018 : Sri Lanka Country Report
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia...
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ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ මැතිවරණ කාලය තුළ පුද්ගලික මාධ්‍ය නියාමනය කිරීමට මැතිවරණ කොමිෂන් සභාව සතු බලතල
මැතිවරණ සමයක දී මාධ්‍ය නියාමනය කිරීම සදහා මාර්ගෝපදේශයන් නිකුත් කිරීමෙහි ලා ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවේ මැතිවරණ කොමිෂන් සභාව මෙරට ව්‍යවස්ථාවෙන්ම බලගන්වා තිබේ. මැතිවරණ සමයක දී මාධ්‍ය නියාමනය සම්බන්ධයෙන් වර්තමානයේ පවත්නා කතිකාවත වඩාත්ම කේන්ද්‍රගතව තිබෙන්නේ  රාජ්‍ය මාධ්‍යයන් නියාමනය කිරීම සදහා මෙම මාර්ගෝපදේශයන් භාවිතාවන...
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Powers of the Election Commission to Regulate Privately-Owned Media during Elections in Sri Lanka
The Election Commission of Sri Lanka is constitutionally empowered to regulate the media during an election period by issuing media guidelines.The present discourse on media regulation during elections focuses on how these guidelines have been used to regulate state-owned media....
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Hill Country Tamils of Sri Lanka – Towards Meaningful Citizenship
Statelessness is a phenomenon that has deprived numerous individuals of their dignity, rights and sustainable development. In Sri Lanka, a large population of Tamils residing in the Hill Country was deprived of their citizenship in 1948. Between the 1960s and...
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cigarette tax indentation insight aug 2019
Cigarette Tax Indexation: Getting it Right and Getting it Wrong
The indexation method introduced in 2019 Budget addresses two pervasive problems in cigarette taxation: (a) lack of regularity and consistency in tax increases, and (b) failure to reduce affordability of cigarettes. (more…)
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இலங்கையில் அனர்த்த முகாமைத்துவம்
இலங்கையின் அனர்த்த முகாமைத்துவ கட்டமைப்பில் காணப்படும் நிர்வாக இடைவெளிகள் தொடர்பாக வெரிட்டே ரிசர்ச் நடத்திய ஆய்வின் முடிவுகளை இந்த விளக்கவுரை ஆவணப்படுத்துகிறது. தகவல் அறியும் சட்டத்தை பயன்படுத்தி பெறப்பட்ட தகவல்களைக் கொண்டு இவ் ஆய்வு  நடாத்தப்பட்டது. (more…)
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තොරතුරු දැනගැනීමේ අයිතිය – දැනුවත් කිරීමේ තොරතුරු සංග‍්‍රහය
වසර 2016 අගෝස්තු මස ශී‍්‍ර ලංකා පාර්ලිමෙන්තුව විසින් 2016 අංක 12 දරණ තොරතුරු දැනගැනීමේ අයිතිය පිළිබද පණත සම්මත කරන ලදී. පුරවැසියන්ට රාජ්‍ය තොරතුරු වෙත ප‍්‍රවේශ වීමට අවස්ථාව ලබාදීම හරහා ඔවුන්ව කි‍්‍රයාකාරී ජන ජීවිතයකට හුරු කිරීමත්, ඒ තුළින් රජය සහ රාජ්‍ය...
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Disaster Management in Sri Lanka
This briefing note documents the findings of an investigation carried out by Verité Research on the administrative gaps within Sri Lanka’s disaster management framework. The investigation was conducted using the instrument of Right to Information (RTI). (more…)
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