Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor: Statistical & Analytical Review No. 3

Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor: Statistical & Analytical Review No. 3
This is Verité Research's latest study on the Sri Lankan government's commitments on reconciliation and accountability. The ongoing UNHRC Session began on 26 February 2018, and will include a discussion on Sri Lanka's progress in this regard. This report analyses...
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Private Sector Participation in Sri Lanka’s Tertiary Education
This study presents a review of the topics relevant to the debate on private sector participation in tertiary education. These include: the structure of the tertiary education sector; the legislation underlying the establishment of tertiary education establishments; and the current...
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Mapping Sri Lanka’s Political Parties
The original version of this report was commissioned by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy to assist in its work in Sri Lanka with the Sri Lankan parliament and political parties. The opinions expressed and contents of this report are not...
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Sri Lanka’s Export Problem – Not Concentration, but Composition
Sri Lanka’s exports are heavily concentrated on a few markets and a few products. The government’s recognition of export diversification as an important policy strategy to revive exports, indicates that both market and product concentration are seen as critical bottlenecks...
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The new Ministers of Finance: Will their budget keep its promises?
Analysis of past budgets reveal large deviations between budgeted allocations and actual expenditure. This shows that expectations set by the government during the budget speech are not honoured. This Insight analyses budgeting on social services and the rural economy to...
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A Legal & Institutional Assessment of Sri Lanka’s Justice System for Children
Criminal justice institutions re-victimise children. This report details the legal and institutional challenges impeding justice for children in Sri Lanka. The report also details specific recommendations to divert children away from the justice system, and prevent institutionalisation being a matter...
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Right to Information: Discourse and Compliance in Sri Lanka
The report Right to Information: Discourse and Compliance in Sri Lanka was compiled in collaboration between Verité Research and Democracy Reporting International (DRI). Verité Research analysed the right to information in the Sri Lankan context while Democracy Reporting International detailed...
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Does the Disqualification of Candidates Invalidate Nomination Papers?
The recent Court of Appeal judgement on SLFP MP Geetha Kumarasinghe's disqualification from Parliament due to her dual citizenship has sparked a debate on whether the disqualification of candidates invalidates nomination papers. This briefing note discusses this issue and argues...
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The Sri Lankan economy needs a better bureaucracy, not just a better Cabinet of Ministers
There are several causes to the problems facing Sri Lanka’s economy. The problem of bureaucratic inefficiency exemplified by this case study: finding information about trade regulations is a significant barrier to improving the economy in agricultural products. The poor performance...
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Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor – Statistical and Analytical Review No. 2
This briefing note is Verité Research's latest study on the Sri Lankan government's commitments on reconciliation and accountability. It assesses progress in the fulfillment of 36 commitments made in UNHRC Resolution 30/1, co-sponsored by Sri Lanka in September 2015.
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