Sri Lanka’s tea Industry – too long in adolescence, it’s time to grow up

Sri Lanka’s tea Industry – too long in adolescence, it’s time to grow up
Tea sector wage negotiations have been in deadlock now for 10 months. There are political reasons for this situation, but also an overarching economic one: global tea prices have declined – as it periodically happens – and the industry is...
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Exchange rate management: politics trumps professionalism
Most people in a country don’t understand the intricacies of exchange rate management. Nevertheless, actions in this regard have significant implications for the economic stability, growth and overall success of the economy, on which human development is fostered. This Insight...
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Sri Lanka’s post war growth: Still stuck in an unsustainable strategy
Sri Lanka has been driving post-war growth in boom and bust cycles on the trade deficit; and fiscal measures have been used, especially spending on construction, to offset the bust cycles. This strategy is now being squeezed to pulp and...
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CSO Sustainability Index 2015 Sri Lanka
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) has been used since 1997 to assess the sustainability of the CSO sector. The Index has expanded considerably since its inception – it went from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia...
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CSO Sustainability Index 2015 for Asia
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) has been used since 1997 to assess the sustainability of the CSO sector. The Index has expanded considerably since its inception – it went from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia...
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Improving Trade with India: Mutual Recognition in Conformity Assessment
"In the context of growing bilateral relations with India, this study by Verité Research takes a look at the current status of Sri Lankan exports to India under the existing India - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (ISFTA). The study...
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Maintaining Democratic Space in the Public Sphere: A Strategy for Sri Lankan Civil Society
Over the years, the nature and extent of civil society space has been determined by the policies and ideologies dominant in the political sphere. Accordingly, transitions of power have been accompanied by radical transformations of civil society space. In this...
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Reviving Exports: The Relevance of Export Finance
This Insight analyses the importance of export finance as a tool to facilitate and promote exports in Sri Lanka. It identifies the bottlenecks that prevent effective use of export finance in the country and provides recommendations to improve availability, access...
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Expanding Exports : Relevance of Export Finance
This study examines the status of the export finance market in Sri Lanka and identifies the key limitations that prevent export finance from playing a proactive role in promoting exports. It reveals that the access, availability and diversity of export...
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Fixing NTBs betwen India and Sri Lanka
Measures to prove compliance with an importing country’s standards and regulations are necessary for all exports. However, Sri Lankan exports to India suffer greatly from the associated costs and delays. This Insight proposes a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) in Conformity...
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