Central Bank’s 30 Year Bond Debacle: What is the Loss?

Central Bank’s 30 Year Bond Debacle: What is the Loss?
In February 2015 the Central Bank of Sri Lanka called an auction for one billion rupees on a 30 year bond. It then accepted 10 fold – 10 billion rupees – after the bids were in. This Insight identifies three...
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Exports to India – Putting the free back into the FTA
Sri Lanka’s history with bi-lateral trade agreements demonstrates the need for more careful negotiation. This Insight explains how the tariff benefits of the India Sri Lanka FreeTrade Agreement (ISFTA) have been outweighed by the existance of non-tariff barriers (NTBs).
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19th Amendment – The Wins, the Losses and the In-betweens
This brief analyses some of the changes made to the original 19th Amendment Bill during deliberations at the Committee State in Parliament. It also assesses the final version of the Amendment in terms of its delivery on the people's expectations...
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Presidential election 2015
Anticipation of voter behaviour in the 2015 presidential election can be informed by the evolution of voter trends in previous elections. Analysis of election results in Uva over the last decade suggests that the war and war-victory created a deviation...
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President’s Executive Powers: Demystifying the 19A Bill Ruling
"Can the President's executive powers be controlled through strengthening the Prime Minister's functions without a referendum?" - This question has generated much commentary and dominated many discussions after the recent Supreme Court Ruling on the 19th Amendment Bill. This brief...
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Sri Lanka Domestic Workers: An Analysis of the Legal and Policy Framework
This report analyses the legal and policy frameworks applicable to domestic workers in Sri Lanka. The report uses global standards of decent work to offer a fresh perspective on the problem and aims to outline a strategy for sustainable reform...
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LLRC Implementation Monitor- Statistical and Analytical Review No. 3
LLRC Implementation Monitor: Statistical and Analytical Review No. 3 is Verité Research's latest study on the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC). This report is the outcome of twelve months of monitoring the implementation of the LLRC's recommendations. The report...
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Sri Lanka: Domestic Workers & Employers Survey
Verité Research recently conducted a survey amongst over 300 local domestic workers and their employers. The survey was conducted in the context of a serious dearth of data and information with regard to domestic workers who work in Sri Lanka....
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What caused Europe to ban the import of fish from Sri Lanka?
The European Commission recently banned the import of Sri Lankan fisher-ies products for violating guidelines on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing. This Insight suggests that the ban was triggered by the behaviour of a small number of very large Chinese...
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