Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor 2021

Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor 2021
This is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lanka government’s progress in fulfilling the commitments on reconciliation and accountability in UNHRC Resolution 30/1. At the 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in February 2020, Sri...
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This edition includes coverage and analysis on the usability of the IMF financing and the volatility of the exchange rate.  
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Religious violence against Christians: Disruptions and Distractions
Ethno-religious violence is an enduring feature in Sri Lanka irrespective of the changes to the country’s socio-political and economic landscapes. This study offers insights into key patterns of violence directed against Christians between November 2021 and October 2022.  A total...
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Does Sri Lanka Need More Rules or Better Compliance?
The government of Sri Lanka proposed introducing a new law to establish stronger rules on public finance management. The analysis shows that the core weakness in Sri Lanka is not the lack of rules but the lack of compliance. To...
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The Alternatives to Universal Tax Registration in Sri Lanka
This note argues that the Sri Lankan government’s recent proposal to implement universal tax registration is neither a viable nor effective strategy to increase the country’s tax revenue. Instead, the note proposes four alternative measures that are more feasible, while...
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CSO Sustainability Index 2021: Asia Region Report
The CSO Sustainability Index assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. The various regional editions of the 2021 CSO Sustainability Index assess the civil society sectors in seventy-three countries, including thirty-two...
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CSO Sustainability Index 2021: Sri Lanka Country Report
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries from different regions. Since its beginning in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in Europe and Eurasia Region to 72 countries...
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Fair Recruitment of migrant workers in Sri Lanka: A Legal Gap Analysis
Fair and effective recruitment practices have a significant impact on preventing and countering human trafficking. Universally accepted principles of fair recruitment suggest that workers should be well-informed of all aspects of employment, including the nature of the employment, payment mechanisms,...
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Is it safe to breathe in Sri Lanka: the case for data
Exposure to poor air quality is ranked among the top 10 leading global risk factors for disease. The lack of visibility of air pollution often results in delay in public policy and personal responses, till the problem is acute. Improving...
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State of The Budget Report 2022: Assessment on whether the expenditure allocations and taxation policies are in line with the government’s policy
This is the second report in a series of two reports on Sri Lanka’s central government budget for the year 2022. The report assesses whether the expenditure allocations and taxation policies are in line with the government’s policy. (more…)
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