The Desirability of Domestic Debt Restructuring

The Desirability of Domestic Debt Restructuring
Sri Lanka faces a challenge to emerge from the continuing crisis. This background note argues that domestic debt restructuring (DDR) provides four benefits critical for the economy and country to emerge from the present crisis stronger and more resilient than...
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Tourism Could Not Have Solved Sri Lanka’s Foreign Exchange Crisis
A key debate during Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is whether the current dollar shortage is a short-term liquidity problem or a more protracted and systemic issue that requires debt reduction. This insight responds to the view that the dollar shortage...
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Apparel Exports from Sri Lanka to the EU: A product level analysis of the impact of GSP+
Concerns about Sri Lanka losing GSP+ concessions resurfaced with the EU parliament passing a resolution on June 10th, 2021, calling the EU Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) to use GSP+ as leverage to push for the repeal...
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The Lure of Chinese Loans
China was the leading provider of external finance to Sri Lanka for infrastructure development during 2010-2016 accounting for 37% of the total. Sri Lanka borrowed USD 5,895 million from China for infrastructure development during this period. More than half of...
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Targeting Assistance: Electricity Consumption is a Superior Method
As Sri Lanka’s crisis continues, up to 50% or more of the population is likely to need state support, however current targeting through Samurdhi reaches just about a quarter of all households and only 40% of the poorest individuals. As...
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Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Evaluating Key Performance Indicators July 2022
This report highlights the failure of the Sri Lankan government in implementing gender responsive budgeting in Sri Lanka. The case of gender KPIs provides a detailed case study of how poor planning of government policies can lead to poor accountability...
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Restoring Efficient Tax Collection Methods: Withholding Tax and Pay-As-You-Earn
This note by the Verité Research Sri Lanka Economic Policy Group estimates the additional revenue that can be collected from reinstating in Sri Lanka two methods of efficient tax collection that were discontinued in 2020. That is: the withholding tax...
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Cigarette Taxation Formula – The Cost of Forgetting
In 2019 the government introduced a policy where taxes and prices on cigarettes would be based on an indexation formula. Forgetting to implement the policy is costly: it has resulted in a foregone revenue of 85 billion from 2020-2022 and...
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women job
Costs of Doing a Job for Urban Women in Sri Lanka
This study aims to address the knowledge gap on how 'cost' factors can affect the choice architecture for women entering or exiting the labour force by estimating the monetary and non-monetary costs of doing a job for urban women in...
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Diversity Impact on Vaccine Equity (DIVE) in Sri Lanka: March 2022
Covid-19 has shed light on ongoing disparities in vaccine access and confidence among different ethnic groups worldwide. Against this backdrop, Verité Media conducted a two-part study on the impact of ethnicity on Covid-19 vaccine confidence, uptake and access among the Sinhala,...
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