De-mystifying the Increase in Sri Lanka’s Debt

de-mystifying the increase in sri lanka's debt
De-mystifying the Increase in Sri Lanka’s Debt
This insight explains and navigates five sources of complications in calculating the increase in debt and the sources of debt increment in Sri Lanka over the years. (more…)
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hill country tamil
Hill Country Tamils: Analysis of Legal and Policy Issues Affecting Labour and Governance Structure
This report examines the socio-economic background and history of the Hill Country Tamil community (HCT) with a focus on health, education, labour and their primary engagement in the tea plantation industry. Thereafter, the report dives into the three main drivers...
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religious violence against christians
Patterns and Risks of Religious Violence Against Christians (October 2020 – October 2021)
Ethno-religious violence has persisted in post-war Sri Lanka irrespective of changes to the country’s political leadership. The current study unpacks the macro-level and micro-level patterns of religious violence against Christians. For this purpose, Verité Research analysed incidents of religious violence...
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covid vaccine hesitancy sri lanka
Diversity Impact on Vaccine Equity (DIVE) in Sri Lanka: November 2021
Covid-19 has shed light on ongoing disparities in vaccine access and confidence among different ethnic groups worldwide. Verité Research conducted a study to analyse social media content shared on Covid-19 vaccine confidence, uptake, and access among three ethnic groups in...
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Public Report on the 2022 Budget: Assessment of the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Assumptions used in the Budget Estimates
This report provides an assessment and analysis of the fiscal, financial and economic assumptions and estimates applied in the formulation of the 2022 Budget. (more…)
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CSO Sustainability Index 2020: Asia Region Report
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded and currently covers a total of 73 countries in...
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Charting a Path for Debt Sustainability in Sri Lanka
Since December 2018 Sri Lanka has been subject to three notches down in rating by S&P, Moody’s and Fitch Ratings. This situation is a historical first for Sri Lanka. While many of Sri Lanka’s key macroeconomic indicators have, in the...
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Ceylon Petroleum Corporation: What Drives the Losses?
Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) is the state-owned enterprise in Sri Lanka with the largest accumulated losses – estimated at LKR 335 billion as of 2020. (more…)
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organic fertiliser sri lanka
Organic Fertiliser Transition in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka introduced a ban on chemical fertiliser importation, and a shift to organic fertiliser starting April 2021. As existing stocks were beginning to deplete Verité Research conducted a survey in July to capture the views of the farmers on...
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COVID air quality
Quantifying the COVID Clean-up of Air Quality in Colombo
Increased exposure to healthier air is a positive note among the many tragic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. As movement was restricted to prevent the spread of the disease, air quality in Colombo drastically improved leading to a 60% reduction...
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