Public Report on the 2021 Budget: Assessment of the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Assumptions used in the Budget Estimates

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Public Report on the 2021 Budget: Assessment of the Fiscal, Financial and Economic Assumptions used in the Budget Estimates
This report provides an assessment and analysis of the fiscal, financial and economic assumptions and estimates applied in the formulation of the 2021 Budget. (more…)
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Sri Lanka: Online Child Sexual Exploitation Legal Gap Analysis
The study provides a legal gap analysis by examining the legislative and policy framework pertaining to online child sexual exploitation (OCSE) in Sri Lanka. It provides an overview of OCSE globally and in Sri Lanka. (more…)
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Condemned but not Deterred: Torture in Sri Lanka
'Condemned but not Deterred: Torture in Sri Lanka' is the latest study by Verité Research on the issue of systemic torture and deaths in custody in Sri Lanka. The Briefing Note focuses on four of the latest judgments on torture...
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Youth Labour Market Assessment Sri Lanka
Building on the Youth Labour Market Assessment published by Verite Research in 2018, this report focuses on a series of specific issues that represent key barriers to increasing youth employment and youth employability in Sri Lanka. Given the potential of...
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Slide Deck: Unlocking the Potential of Data: A Case Study on Data Dissemination Practices in Sri Lanka Customs
Successful economies have increasingly recognised the importance of improving access to data collected by governments. Accurate, timely and easily accessible data helps private sector growth and results in improved delivery by government. Sri Lanka Customs is the key government agency...
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Slide Deck: Financing Infrastructure: The (non) Concessionality of Concessional Loans
Sri Lanka is highly dependent on international loans from multilateral and bilateral sources to finance infrastructure development. Multilateral and bilateral borrowing is often favoured by governments such as Sri Lanka because such financing tends to have ‘concessional’ elements, relative to...
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Financing Infrastructure: The (non) Concessionality of Concessional Loans
Sri Lanka is highly dependent on international loans from multilateral and bilateral sources to finance infrastructure development. Multilateral and bilateral borrowing is often favoured by governments such as Sri Lanka because such financing tends to have ‘concessional’ elements, relative to...
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State Funding for Maternity Leave in Sri Lanka – A No-Brainer
Women in the 20-39 age cohort are uniquely and severely disadvantaged in the labour market in Sri Lanka. This disadvantage is linked to the current policy of placing the full cost of maternity leave benefits (MLBs) on employers. (more…)
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CSO Sustainability Index 2019 : Sri Lanka Country Report
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia...
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A Rational Method for Cabinet Formation in Sri Lanka: A White Paper
Ministries are the overarching bodies that house relevant government institutions and functions within a particular subject area. They are responsible for the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of national-level policies and strategies in their assigned sectors (such as health, education,...
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