VR Working Paper: A Technical Case for Affordability- Based Pricing of Cigarettes
By 2014, tax revenue from cigarettes accounted for over 4.9% of total government revenue. However, thus far, Sri Lanka’s tax adjustments have been ad hoc, and driven by political and bureaucratic discretion rather than a logical, transparent, and systematic policy.
This paper aims to develop a framework that aligns three non-convergent interests: the social, industry, and fiscal, by (i) exploring the criteria by which the prices of cigarettes should be updated; (ii) developing a formula for benchmarking the price of the cigarette with the highest market share, using 20 years of price data from 1980–2000; and (iii) forming a coherent method for price differentials between the different length categories of cigarettes manufactured in Sri Lanka.
- Working Papers

Verité Research, as the name implies, is an independent think tank with research at its core. We carry out this research along four areas –economics, politics, media, and law. Leveraging this research, we provide strategic analysis and advice to governments, organisations, and the private sector in Sri Lanka and beyond.