CSO Sustainability Index 2021 -
Asia Region Report

The CSO Sustainability Index assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. The various regional editions of the 2021 CSO Sustainability Index assess the civil society sectors in seventy-three countries, including thirty-two in Sub-Saharan Africa, twenty-four in Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, eight in the Middle East and North Africa, and Mexico. The CSO Sustainability Index for Asia region, reports on the state of CSO sectors in eight countries in the region: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal,  Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Timor-Leste.

The Index addresses advances and setbacks in seven key components or “dimensions” of the sustainability of the civil society sector: legal environment, organizational capacity, financial viability, advocacy, service provision, sectoral infrastructure, and public image. The Index is intended to be a useful source of information for local CSOs, governments, donors, academics, and others who want to better understand and monitor key aspects of sustainability in the CSO sector.


This is the eighth time Sri Lanka is participating in the index. Verité Research is the local implementing partner for this initiative.

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