Sri Lanka: Online Child Sexual Exploitation Legal Gap Analysis
The study provides a legal gap analysis by examining the legislative and policy framework pertaining to online child sexual exploitation (OCSE) in Sri Lanka. It provides an overview of OCSE globally and in Sri Lanka.
The report sets out the overarching international legal framework on OCSE and assesses Sri Lanka’s domestic legal and policy framework for combating OCSE. Thereby providing key recommendations in the form of legislative interventions, policy and practice interventions. In Sri Lanka there are at least two common forms of OSCE: ‘image-based’ sexual content and OCSE in relation to the commercial sex industry. OCSE includes ‘any acts of sexual exploitation of children that are facilitated by ICT’.
- Research Reports
Verité Research, as the name implies, is an independent think tank with research at its core. We carry out this research along four areas –economics, politics, media, and law. Leveraging this research, we provide strategic analysis and advice to governments, organisations, and the private sector in Sri Lanka and beyond.