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Showing 10 Publication(s)
CSO Sustainability Index 2019 : Sri Lanka Country Report

The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia Region, to covering a total of 73 countries in 2019, in regions including the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia

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A Rational Method for Cabinet Formation in Sri Lanka: A White Paper

Ministries are the overarching bodies that house relevant government institutions and functions within a particular subject area. They are responsible for the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of national-level policies and strategies in their assigned sectors (such as health, education, and agriculture). In this regard, they coordinate with the institutions under their purview. Therefore, ministries—and by extension ministers—are vital to determining the institutional effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery by the public sector. However, public sentiment suggests otherwise. Public sector inefficiency has been a long-standing issue that successive governments in Sri Lanka have failed to address effectively. The general perception of the public is that the elected representatives who run government make an already inefficient system worse, and this perception is becoming more entrenched with time. The present paper seeks to address this gap between expectations of the role of ministers and ministries and reality as experienced and perceived by society. It highlights two types of problems that comprise the irrationality of present cabinet formation and seeks to address how effective and efficient governance in the public sector can be achieved. A Blueprint document that proposes a formulated rational structure for government, building on and refining the recommendations of the…

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Inaction and Impunity: Incidents of Religious Violence Targeting Christians, Muslims and Hindus (2015-2019)

Ethno-religious violence in Sri Lanka is a chronic and systemic problem that has continued despite successive changes in government. This study examines the key trends of incidents of violence faced by minority Christian, Muslim and Hindu groups in Sri Lanka between 2015 and 2019

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VR Working Paper: Ineffectiveness of Social Contacts and Alternate Job Search Methods for Unemployed Youth in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan youth due to an extended period of unemployment face a lower possibility in future employment and a reduced earning capacity. As a solution, this paper aims to identify an efficient search method. Emphasis is placed on social contacts, given its popularity as a search method. Social contacts prove inefficient- leading to a 10.0% reduction in unemployment duration with a wage discount of 7.1%. Also, social contacts create a form of stickiness that increases dependency on social contacts and a reluctance to choose other, more efficient search methods in the future. The popularity, inefficiency and stickiness of social contacts are speculated as the probable cause for a large pool of youth to be unemployed over an extended period. As an alternative to social contacts, internet job search proves to be a more efficient search method reducing unemployment duration by 21.6% with a wage premium of 14.3%.

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Open Budget Survey: Sri Lanka Country Summary 2019

Government budget decisions – what taxes to levy, what services to provide, and how much debt to take on – affect how equal a society is and the well being of its people, including whether the most disadvantaged will have real opportunities for a better life. It is critical that governments inform and engage the public on these vital decisions that impact their lives.

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Information Disorder and Mainstream Media in Sri Lanka: A Case Study

A considerable amount of research on ‘fake news’ or information disorder tends to to focus on social media as the producer and distributor of false content. Within this discourse on information disorder, mainstream media is often positioned as an inadvertent distributor of false and harmful content – not as a producer of such content. Therefore, limited attention is paid to the role of mainstream media as both a producer and distributor of information disorder.

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Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor: Statistical & Analytical Review No. 5

This is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lankan government’s commitments on reconciliation and accountability. The 43rd UNHRC Session began in February 2020, and Sri Lanka’s progress in implementing Resolution 30/1 was taken up on 27 February 2020.

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CSO Sustainability Index 2018 : Asia Report

The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia Region, to covering a total of 72 countries in 2018, in regions including the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

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CSO Sustainability Index 2018 : Sri Lanka Country Report

The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index (CSOSI) assesses the sustainability of the CSO sector across several countries in different regions around the world. Since its inception in 1997, it has expanded from covering 18 countries in the Europe and Eurasia Region, to covering a total of 72 countries in 2018, in regions including the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.

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Hill Country Tamils of Sri Lanka – Towards Meaningful Citizenship

Statelessness is a phenomenon that has deprived numerous individuals of their dignity, rights and sustainable development. In Sri Lanka, a large population of Tamils residing in the Hill Country was deprived of their citizenship in 1948. Between the 1960s and early 2000s members of the Hill Country Tamil community had their citizenship restored. The study aims to contribute towards a deeper understanding of the developmental challenges faced by the community, and the importance of ensuring that the granting of citizenship is effective, and meaningful.

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