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Showing 10 Publication(s)
A Legal & Institutional Assessment of Sri Lanka’s Justice System for Children

Criminal justice institutions re-victimise children. This report details the legal and institutional challenges impeding justice for children in Sri Lanka. The report also details specific recommendations to divert children away from the justice system, and prevent institutionalisation being a matter of first resort.

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Right to Information: Discourse and Compliance in Sri Lanka

The report Right to Information: Discourse and Compliance in Sri Lanka was compiled in collaboration between Verité Research and Democracy Reporting International (DRI). Verité Research analysed the right to information in the Sri Lankan context while Democracy Reporting International detailed international best practices relating to proactive disclosure. The study examines the drafting of Sri Lanka’s RTI Act and existing laws that are inconsistent with its provisions. It recommends strategies to strengthen proactive disclosure of information, and to amend laws inconsistent with the RTI Act.

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Sri Lanka: Resolution 30/1 Implementation Monitor – Statistical and Analytical Review No. 2

This briefing note is Verité Research’s latest study on the Sri Lankan government’s commitments on reconciliation and accountability. It assesses progress in the fulfillment of 36 commitments made in UNHRC Resolution 30/1, co-sponsored by Sri Lanka in September 2015.

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Sri Lanka’s Domestic Barriers to Trade: Case Studies of Agricultural Exports

In the recent past, Sri Lanka has focused on negotiating Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) as a means to revive its export sector. FTAs address external barriers that Sri Lankan exporters face in the importing country. However, trade barriers are found not only at the border of the importing country, but also at the border of the exporting country. Using agriculture products as case studies, this study identifies such domestic barriers. Findings reveal that domestic barriers to trade significantly undermine the export capacity and competitiveness of Sri Lankan exports. Hence, addressing them is important to unleash the country’s export potential.

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E-Government Procurement: Enabling Business through Efficient Systems

Public procurement is a key instrument through which governments deliver important social and economic goods to citizens. Efficient and accountable public procurement enables better utilisation of public funds, and in better public goods and services. Strengthening public procurement in Sri Lanka requires enhancing its efficiency, cost-effectiveness and competitiveness. E-procurement offers the government major efficiency gains, cost-savings, higher value for money and better fiscal management.

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E-Government Procurement: Enabling Business through Efficient Systems January (Sinhala Edition)

Public procurement is a key instrument through which governments deliver important social and economic goods to citizens. Efficient and accountable public procurement enables better utilisation of public funds, and in better public goods and services. Strengthening public procurement in Sri Lanka requires enhancing its efficiency, cost-effectiveness and competitiveness. E-procurement offers the government major efficiency gains, cost-savings, higher value for money and better fiscal management.

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LLRC Implementation Monitor: Statistical and Analytical Review No. 4

This report is Verité’s latest study on the Sri Lankan government’s commitments on reconciliation and accountability. The report assesses progress in the fulfillment of 36 commitments made in UNHRC Resolution 30/1 (co-sponsored by Sri Lanka) and in the implementation of 189 recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).

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