The published information on debt underestimates Sri Lanka’s overall external public debt burden and its distribution amongst external lenders. This problem arises because Sri Lanka’s reporting of external debt is limited to debt held directly by the central government and excludes debt held by state-owned enterprises (SOEs). This reporting problem is especially evident when estimating Sri Lanka’s overall debt obligations to China, since much of Sri Lanka’s debt from China is placed on the books of Sri Lanka’s SOEs. It also exposes a loophole by which debt statistics can be manipulated, and even miscounted, in the midst of such manipulations.
මෙම සංෂිප්ත සටහනෙන් පෙන්වා දෙන්නේ ණය වාර්තාකරණයේදී මධ්යම රජයේ ආයතන වලින් පරිබාහිරව ඇති රාජ්ය ආයතනවල විදේශ ණය ඊට ඇතුලත් කිරීමට අපොහොසත් වීම ලංකාවේ ණය බර අවතක්සේරුවට හේතු වන බවයි. මෙයට හේතුපාදක වන එම තොරතුරුමය ගැටළුව කොටස් තුනක් ඔස්සේ මෙහිදී පැහැදිලි කර ඇත.
இது 2021 ஆம் ஆண்டிற்கான இலங்கையின் மத்திய அரசாங்க வரவு செலவுத் திட்டம் பற்றிய இரண்டு அறிக்கைகளின் தொடர்ச்சியான இரண்டாவது அறிக்கையாகும். செலவின ஒதுக்கீடுகள் மற்றும் வரிவிதிப்புக் கொள்கைகள் அரசாங்கத்தின் கொள்கைக்கு ஏற்ப உள்ளதா என்பதை இந்த அறிக்கை மதிப்பீடு செய்கிறது.
මෙම වාර්තාව, ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මධ්යම රජයේ 2021 වර්ෂය සඳහා වූ අයවැය පිළිබඳව පළ කරන ලද වාර්තා දෙකකින් දෙවන වාර්තාව වේ. මෙමඟින් රජයේ වියදම් සඳහා වෙන් කෙරෙන ප්රතිපාදන හා බදුකරණ ප්රතිපත්ති කෙතෙරම් දුරට රජයේ ප්රතිපත්තිවලට අනුකූල වන්නේද යන්න ඇගැයීමට ලක් කෙරේ.
This is the second report in a series of two reports on Sri Lanka’s central government budget for the year 2021. The report assesses whether the expenditure allocations and taxation policies are in line with the government’s policy.
On 22 October 2020, the Twentieth Amendment (20A) to the Constitution of Sri Lanka was enacted.[i] The 20A reversed much of the reforms introduced by the preceding Nineteenth Amendment (19A) to the Constitution, with the primary effect of the 20A being the consolidation of power in the office of the executive president. This article explores the 20A and is divided into two main sections. Firstly, it will briefly set out the background to the passage of the 20A. Second, the features of the 20A will be discussed in respect of their implications on governance and the constitution.
The 2019 Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for Asia was published in December this year. This index has been assessing the civil society sector in Sri Lanka since 2014. The sixth edition of the Index reports on the state of CSO sectors in nine countries in Asia.
The 2019 Civil Society Organization (CSO) Sustainability Index for Asia was published in December this year. This index has been assessing the civil society sector in Sri Lanka since 2014. The sixth edition of the Index reports on the state of CSO sectors in nine countries in Asia.
The pricing data of media institutions reveals that the media discriminates against the democratic process by charging higher rates for political ads than commercial ads, during election periods.
அரசாங்க நிதி பற்றிய குழுவிற்கு (COPF) வழங்கப்பட்ட ஆணையின் பிரகாரம் இந்த பொது அறிக்கையானது வெறிட்டே ரிசர்சினால் தொகுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.