Webinar on ‘The Right to Information and the Private Sector’
Published on DailyFT Creating awareness and engaging the private sector on one of the most important anti-corruption tools in a democracy, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce will conduct a webinar on ‘The Right to Information and the Private Sector’ on...
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Lack of Budget Credibility a Significant Challenge to the 2022 Budget
The BudgetPromises dashboard on the PublicFinance.lk platform sheds light on two questions about Sri Lanka’s budget: “is the Government doing what it is saying?” and “is the Government saying what it is doing?” BudgetPromises was launched in 2017 and tracks...
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Secrecy of Budget and Cabinet Decisions Rose in 2020: Verite
Published on The Morning The latest findings of the think tank Verite Research Institute’s “Budget Promises: Beyond Parliament” platform, show that over the past year (2020), there has been an increased lack of willingness by ministries and government agencies to...
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Sri Lanka’s Right to Information – Subhashini Abeysinghe on LMDtv
Improved access to information can lead to more informed, data-driven decision-making and better outcomes for the country. Watch Research Director Subhashini Abeysinghe discuss the importance of the RTI Act with LMDtv.
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Making Public Data Public: Sri Lanka Misses Its Own Targets While India Races Ahead
Published in the Daily Mirror In Sri Lanka, the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) is the primary government agency responsible for collecting and providing access to data that can be used for statistical analysis. The stated vision of the...
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ස්වාභාවික ආපදා ගැන අවධානයෙන් සිටිය යුත්තේ ඇයි?
පළවූයේ - රැස ස්වාභාවික ආපදාවකින් වෙන හානිය ගැන කතා කරන්න ස්වාභාවික ආපදාවක් වෙනකල්ම බලන් ඉන්න අපි පුරුදු වෙලා. නමුත් ගොඩාක් දෙනෙක්ට අමතක කාරණයක් තමයි ස්වාභාවික ආපදාවලට කල්තියාම සූදානම් වෙන්නට වගේම ස්වාභාවික ආපදා තත්ත්වයකදී සහන සලසන්නට අපේ රටේ වැඩපිළිවෙළක් පවතිනවාය කියන...
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Disastrous handling of Sri Lanka’s disaster management, probe reveals
Taken from - economynext Photo Courtesy - economynext Since 2005, there have been more disasters in Sri Lanka than meetings of the National Council for Disaster Management (NCDM), the apex body responsible for handling calamities, a new study by Verité...
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RTI Commission directs CB to reveal 2015, 2016 EPF deals
Taken from Sunday Times The Right to Information Commission this week directed the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) to release information in respect of Government securities market transactions of the EPF during 2015 and 2016, including primary market transactions...
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Right to Information: A journey from secrecy to openness
BY AANYA WIPULASENA AND RAJITHA JAGODA ARACHCHI Eighteen months in operation, Sri Lanka’s Right to Information law is empowering citizens all over the island – from newsrooms to tiny village hamlets. Bolstered by a powerful and public-oriented Commission set up...
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Sri Lanka’s RTI report card: fair, but can be better
The International Day for the Universal Access to Information (also known as the World Right to Know Day) is observed every year on September 28. This provides Sri Lanka an opportunity to take stock of how its Right to Information...
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