sri lanka

“Plan to fail” perfectly sums up Sri Lanka’s power sector crisis
Taken from - DailyMirror Image courtesy - DailyMirror As the authorities continue to practice the “plan to fail” approach based on outdated planning models incentivised by emergency power purchases, experts and academics warn another power crisis could materialise in 2023,...
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Sri Lanka’s Hill Country Tamils marginalized despite ending statelessness: report
Taken from - economynext Sri Lanka’s ‘Hill Country Tamils’, who for generations produced its main agricultural export, Ceylon tea, remains marginalised despite gaining formal citizenship requring remedies, a new study said. ” . . . the mere granting of ‘formal...
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Experts call for clear energy policies
Taken from - Sunday Observer By Lalin Fernandopulle The energy sector - much like many other sectors in the economy, is in shambles with lack of, direction, consistency and clarity in policy, thereby plunging the country further into the abyss,...
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GET REAL with Mahieash Johnney | Episode 08 | #TheNumbersGame
Taken from Ada Dearana 24 A discussion on the up coming Presidential election. We ask the question whether in a crowded candidate field can any candidate surpass the required 50% + 1 vote threshold? And in case they cannot then...
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ස්වාභාවික ආපදා ගැන අවධානයෙන් සිටිය යුත්තේ ඇයි?
පළවූයේ - රැස ස්වාභාවික ආපදාවකින් වෙන හානිය ගැන කතා කරන්න ස්වාභාවික ආපදාවක් වෙනකල්ම බලන් ඉන්න අපි පුරුදු වෙලා. නමුත් ගොඩාක් දෙනෙක්ට අමතක කාරණයක් තමයි ස්වාභාවික ආපදාවලට කල්තියාම සූදානම් වෙන්නට වගේම ස්වාභාවික ආපදා තත්ත්වයකදී සහන සලසන්නට අපේ රටේ වැඩපිළිවෙළක් පවතිනවාය කියන...
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China Harbour Engineering Company to respond to discussion on environmental impact of Port City Project
Verité Research will be hosting the seminar “Colombo Port City Project: The Environmental Narrative” this week, featuring guest speaker Professor Naazima Kamardeen from the Faculty of Law at the University of Colombo. The seminar will highlight the gap in public...
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A Look Back at Are Politicians keeping their promises?
Image Credits : Groundviews Featured on - By - Mahesh De Andrado We initially took a look at back in 2014. At the time, it was a platform used to analyze and summarize the work done by each...
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කුට්ඨනය: බරපතල ලෙස නොදකින බරපතල අපරාදයක්
පළවූයේ - රැස සම්පාදනය -  නීතීඥ සුපුන් ජයවර්ධන පහත සිදුවීම් ගැන මොහොතක් සිතන්න. මෙම  සිදුවීම් ත්‍රිත්වය  සලකා බලන විට කුමාරන්, කමල් සහ ජමීලා විවිධ අපරාදවලට වෙන වෙනම  ගොදුරු වී ඇති බව පැහැදිලි ය. නමුත් ඔවුන් තිදෙනාම ගොදුරු වූ තවත් අපරාදයක්...
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The Thajudeen saga: Murder cover-up trial set to begin in October
Taken from - Sunday Observer By Anurangi Singh and Aanya Wipulasena On the night of May 17, 2012, the Sri Lankan rugby captain was found dead in his burning car near Shalika Hall on Park Road, Colombo 05. The death...
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Disaster Management in Sri Lanka
A report was released very recently titled, Disaster Management in Sri Lanka: A CASE STUDY OF ADMINISTRATIVE FAILURES. The Economics Research Team of Verité Research compiled this study. The purpose of this piece is to use some of the details...
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